1. Export any database data that you need.
  2. Delete metric drains
    • Metric drains for an environment can be deleted by navigating to the environment’s Metric Drains tab in the dashboard.
  3. Delete log drains
    • Log drains for an environment can be deleted by navigating to the environment’s Log Drains tab in the dashboard.
  4. Deprovision your apps from the dashboard or with the aptible apps:deprovision CLI command.
    • Deprovisioning an app automatically deprovisions all of its endpoints as well.
  5. Deprovision your databases from the dashboard or with the aptible db:deprovision CLI command.
    • Monthly and daily backups are automatically deleted when the database is deprovisioned.
  6. Delete database backups
    • Use the delete all on page option to delete the final backups for your databases.

      ❗️ Please note Aptible will no longer have a copy of your data when you delete your backups. Please create your own backup if you need to retain a copy of the data.

  7. Deprovision the environment from the dashboard.
    • You can deprovision environments once all the resources in that environment have been deprovisioned. If you have not deleted all resources, you will see a message advising you to delete any remaining resources before you can successfully deprovision the environment.
  8. Submit a support request to deprovision your Dedicated Stack and, if applicable, remove Premium or Enterprise Support.
    • If this step is incomplete, you will incur charges until Aptible deprovisions the dedicated stack and removes paid support from your account. Aptible Support can only complete this step after your team submits a request.

❗️Please note you will likely receive one more invoice after deprovisioning for usage from the last invoice to the time of deprovisioning.